Dryer Chain Drive Towers
Gyptech offers robust designed drive towers designed to last and provide easy maintenance of the gear boxes. We also have design solutions utilizing intermediate shafts between gear boxes and drive sprockets, in order to optimize the access to the outfeed.
Chain Tension Towers and take-up pulleys
Pneumatic chain tension tower of sleek but still robust design well suited for retrofits of old dryers and for brand new plants. The Gyptech tension towers can be used for a majority of the dryers that are in operation in the industry.
Chain Wheels
Chain Wheels available for Gyptech dryers as well as for other brands.
Dryer Chain
We can supply high quality chain as well as more economical alternatives at attractive prices.
Chain Guides
Cast chain guides for any dryer chain. Guide wheels to control twisting chains.
Carbon Bearings
Gyptech is official partner of St. Marys Carbon, the leading carbon bearing brand for the gypsum market.